Screw Terminal Type Capacitors

These screw terminal capacitors own small case size, high rated voltage, capacitance, and ripple current, they have stable and reliable performance, forming complete sets of the unclear electric stations.
They are suitable for use in electronic and industrial equipment such as computers, programming control exchangers for power supplies filtering, and energy storage.

Product Details:

Screw Terminal Type
SeriesFeaturesTemperature(℃)Voltage(V.DC)Capacitance(uF)Load LifeDownload
CWRScrew Termind Type, Standard-40~+8516~450470~4700002000Hrs
CWHScrew Termind Type, Standard-40~+10516~450470~4700002000Hrs
CWAScrew Termind Type, 85℃ Long Life-40~+8516~450470~4700003000Hrs
CWXScrew Termind Type, Long Life Assurance-40~+85350~4501000~220002000Hrs
CPSRecharging and Discharging in Flash-25~+55330360150~15005000Times

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