Large Can Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors

These can-type capacitors are designed for high-grade audio equipment, giving priority to high fidelity sound quality.

They are directly mountable on printed circuit board without holders, smaller size is suitable for use in mini-compos, CD, DAT players, cassette decks and etc

They are high ripple current and high reliability. Different case sizes are available for each capacitance value.

Product Details:

Large Can Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors
SeriesFeaturesTemperature(℃)Voltage(V.DC)Capacitance(uF)Load LifeDownload
CLPLug/Snap-in Terminal Type, Standard-40~+8516~45056~560002000Hrs
CHPLug/Snap-in Terminal Type, Wide Temperature-40~+10516~45056~470002000Hrs
CLA85℃, Long Life-40~+8516~45056~560003000Hrs
CLB105℃, Long Life-40~+10516~45056~470003000Hrs
CLRSnap-in Terminal Type, 85℃ LOW ESR-40~+8510~45047~470002000Hrs
CHRSnap-in Terminal Type, 105℃ LOW ESR-40~+10510~45047~470002000Hrs
CLDSnap-in Terminal Type, 85℃ LOW ESR-40~+8510~45047~470003000Hrs
CHLSnap-in Terminal Type, 105℃ LOW ESR -40~+10510~45047~470003000Hrs
CLZXSnap-in Terminal Type, Long Life with LOW ESR-40~+10510~45047~470005000Hrs

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